Rapid Rail Height Safety
tel +44(0) 1452 383001
email info@rapidrail.co.uk

Rapid Rail Safety Systems have successfully completed an installation of 2 x 130m Paseenger Horizontal Safety Systems at Bridgnorth Aluminum.

The installation was requested on Night Shifts so that it would not interfere with the daytime running of other operations.

Installation was made more difficult as all the columns were encased in concrete and the beams at the end of the system location didn't quite meet the required standards.

To negate the issues, we fixed the intermediate brackets to the columns by using bolts secured by resin injected into holes drilled into the concrete, the End Termination Brackets were installed by adding extra steelwork to existing steel columns to ensure the system exceeded current standards.

Engineers encountered a few issues with scaffolding and vehicles that prevented work on two nights, but our engineers worked in hand with Bridgnorth and made that extra effort on the last night to make sure that the lines were installed and brought into service ready for a 6am handover.

A job well done by all.